We understand responsible tourism as an approach toward the application of key principles of sustainable development to our business philosophy and activity. Our goal is to concentrate on the right balance between three main areas: combining economic development, a social approach and protection of the environment. We wish to see responsible tourism in every aspect of our activities now and in the future.
Our philosophy requires employing certain assumptions while providing tourist services:
cooperate with guides, tour leaders coming from a region to be explored, they usually are fascinated about their homeland and willing to share their passions and knowledge;
cooperate with providers of accommodation, food and transport services among well recognized local companies based in the region to be explored;
offer you a programme based on nature, culture and active approach;
involve natural sport activity to enjoy the time and surroundings;
prohibit any involvement of motor sports (e.g. snow and water scooters) in programmes offered;
support and promote local culture, habits, lifestyle and micro-economy;
advise guides and tour leaders to minimize impact of tourism by correct behaviour, preservation of nature, following all rules, regulations and common sense;
advise guides to inform and make clients aware of environmental and culture issues, eco-system threats, natural and culture heritage protection schemes applying in the region to be explored.
So far, Carpathian Adventures has been involved in organizing volunteer and challenge tours. These tours have had a volunteering element so visitors can provide contribution (both labour and financial) and make a real difference to the lives of those within the community in which they stay.
Carpathian Adventures has decided to share part of its profits with organizations supporting education of the poorest children coming from the regions visited by our tours.
We strongly believe that our activity shares common principles in favour of an ecological management and the development of the local economy. Apart from applying principles we plan to ensure that responsible tourism remains an important part of our activities.